Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Review of Wall-E

    In case you haven't seen it, Wall-E is a Disney/Pixar movie about a future dystopian Earth that is covered in trash and the only thing around to clean the litter is Wall-E, a portable trash compactor who is sentient. Due to his curiosity, Wall-E ends up following a high-tech robot called Eve into space and onto the space vessel that is carrying what used to be Earth's population (but it's been 700 years since they originally left the planet). Once there, Wall-E and Eve try to bring a single plant to the captain showing that Earth can sustain life once again and the people will be able to return.

   Before we even meet the main character, the movie opens up with the camera panning through space, here we see all the vibrant-colored planets and the bright stars. But when the camera hits Earth, you see an atmosphere containing millions of trashed satellites and a permanent dust cloud over the planet. This really shows how Earth has become less of a planet and more of a ball of trash. 

  Wall-E has a lot of scenes that are mainly exaggerated by color and sound, because the robots don't have much dialogue. There is a scene in the beginning where Wall-E is heading back to his home and he is only surrounded by massive piles of trash that stack higher than skyscrapers. This scene is mainly brown with hints of red and the only thing you hear is an echo of Wall-E's music. The colors show how dirty and polluted Earth is while the void of sound other than the one's Wall-E makes shows how empty and alone he truly is, the only other living thing appears to be his cockroach friend. Most likely added to make this empty world less depressing to the viewers.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Online Presence

Having an Online Presence
      I don't know much about having an online presence. I know that anyone can see what you post online so you have to be careful. Some sites have privacy settings but even those can be worked around. I also know that being online can be useful for mass communication, like posting a status on Facebook so thousands of friends or sharing a picture on Instagram. I don't have sites I want to link to this blog, but if I find something I like, or think is interesting I will make sure to share it. I would say that my presence online is kind of sub par, I'm online but I never really contribute or say much online. So this blog is a new thing for me!